HMI’s suite of treeFacts® Reports are customized inventories of the trees and shrubs located on a residential or commercial property. Based on your
individual needs, a treeFacts® Report is available which will provide detailed information regarding the type, condition, and replacement costs and
even detailed descriptions, photographs and specific care instructions for these valuable assets.
Priority Tree Report
The treeFacts® Priority Tree Report (PTR) represents HMI’s most popular report as it is used by many insurance companies as a part of a comprehensive loss prevention program. The PTR is designed to provide property owners and insurers with important information about large trees near homes or other property that may cause damage if they were to fall or drop limbs. Specifically, an arborist from HMI’s network will inspect all trees that are a minimum of 8” in diameter, at roughly 4 ½’ from the ground, and that are within striking distance of the home, guest house (if any), garage and parking area of the driveway. The arborist will be looking for any symptoms that may indicate the tree(s) may be susceptible to losing large limbs, or failing completely.
Following the inspection a PTR is published by HMI that will include any of these trees that are exhibiting symptoms. In addition to listing the symptoms identified during the inspection, the PTR will also provide the type, size, location and replacement value of each tree inspected. As necessary, a proposal to address the identified symptoms will also be prepared by the inspecting arborist. The vast majority (over 80% by some estimates) of tree failures occur to trees that are suffering from pre-existing structural or health related issues. It is our hope that the PTR will enable property owners to identify these at-risk trees and address them before damage occurs.
Click here to view a sample Priority Tree Report
Replacement Cost Reports

HMI’s treeFacts® Replacement Cost Reports (RCR) provide the current average replacement cost for trees and shrubs. This report is used by arborists, property owners, insurance adjusters, lawyers, government agencies and others to determine the expense of replacing valuable trees and shrubs. Our replacement costs are established using a data base of over 1,000,000 wholesale plant prices and industry standard formulae. HMI’s replacement cost data has been requested on 1000’s of properties covering over 1,000,000 plants. We remain the nation’s only source for standardized average replacement costs on trees and shrubs.
Click here to view a sample Replacement Cost Report